Y3 Technologies named “Supply Chain Enterprise Partner of the Year (Software)” at Supply Chain Asia Industry Night 2016

November 28, 2016

The award recognizes the best performing software partner based on its quality products and excellent customer service.

Y3 Technologies, a leading supply chain management software solutions provider, announced that it had been awarded ‘Supply Chain Enterprise Partner of the Year (Software)’ at the Supply Chain Asia Industry Night 2016.

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The Supply Chain Asia Industry Night 2016 was held at Orchard Hotel and present to grace the event was Guest-of-Honour, Singapore’s Senior Minister of State, Mrs. Josephine Teo, and industry leaders who have demonstrated commitment to the innovation and development of the sector.

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Y3 Technologies was recognized for its dedication to innovative and strong customer focus in the industry over the past year alongside a total of 30 winners comprising both individuals and corporations. The award was received by Marc Dragon, CEO, Y3 Technologies.

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Evaluated by an independent nomination committee based on a comprehensive set of criteria, the award distinguishes Y3 Technologies as the best performing software partner based on its quality products and excellent customer service.

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Y3 Technologies has been leading the technological transformation in the supply chain industry in Asia Pacific. The company has a strong focus to build a good partnership network across the region in order to be able to continue spearheading this technological transformation while at the same time, benefitting customers and the supply chain industry as a whole. This can be seen through a recent partnership with Singapore Management University (SMU) and Chongqing University in China with an objective to boost the analytics and technological innovation in the logistics ecosystem in China.  

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Mr. Marc Dragon stated, “We are very proud and honored to be recognized by the industry through this award. It stands as a testament to our utmost commitment to continue to better serve our clients with a clear focus on developing future-ready solutions to optimally run their supply chains in a dynamic and sustainable basis.”

[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”24″ image_repeat=”no-repeat”][vc_column_text]About Y3 Technologies[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space height=”24″ image_repeat=”no-repeat”][vc_column_text]

Founded in 1981, Y3 Technologies is a home-grown software solutions provider which has since established a strong track record and is steadily expanding its global market presence. Y3 offers a full suite of end-to-end supply chain management and analytics software products to its customers, including Dell, Carrefour, YCH Group, SATS BRF and Surbana Jurong.

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Its base of satisfied enterprise clients attest to the commitment of Y3 Technologies to deliver effective solutions for businesses by embedding leading edge technologies and analytics capabilities, as well as capitalizing on cross-industry best practices. Y3’s strength lies in developing advanced integrated management solutions with the aim of optimizing performance and eliminating inefficiencies.

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